Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Structure-Function Correlations in Glaucoma Using Matrix and Standard Automated Perimetry Versus Time-Domain and Spectral-Domain OCT Devices
(Assoc Research Vision Ophthalmology Inc, 2014-05-01)
PURPOSE. We examined the structure-function relationship between two perimetric tests, the frequency doubling technology (FDT) matrix and standard automated perimetry (SAP), and two optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices ...
YAG láser en el tratamiento de la opacidad capsular posterior en pacientes glaucomatosos y no glaucomatosos
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduados, 2021)
Antecedente: El uso del Yag láser como procedimiento correctivo ambulatorio en la opacidad capsular posterior genera cambios inflamatorios tras su aplicación sobre las estructuras del segmento anterior del ojo. La falta ...
Avaliação do dano ocular após queimadura química grave na córnea e suas possíveis implicações no implante da ceratoprótese de boston
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-12-31)
A severe chemical burn to the eye usually results in an opaque cornea. Its prognosis depends on the immediate treatment and prevention of further complications. Regardless of medical efforts, surgical rehabilitation with ...
Determinación de la concordancia del daño del nervio optico entre un Glaucomatologo y un algoritmo de aprendizaje
Purpose: To determine the concordance between an Unsupervised Learning Algorithm and eye fundus color photos interpretation by a specialist for the identification of the optic disc damage. Methodology: A concordance study ...
Evaluar el efecto del genipin sobre la cabeza del nervio óptico, en un modelo animal de glaucoma
(Bogotá - Medicina - Especialidad en OftalmologíaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2021-01-13)
Purpose: Crosslinking of the collagen of the lamina cribrosa and the peripapillary sclera could be a plausible method to modulate biomechanical stress and strain-based injuries in the laminar region caused by glaucoma.
Method: ...
Anterior-Segment Ocular Findings and Microphthalmia in Congenital Zika Syndrome
(Elsevier [Commercial Publisher]; American Academy of Ophthalmology [Associate Organisation], 2020)
Anterior-Segment Ocular Findings and Microphthalmia in Congenital Zika Syndrome
(Elsevier [Commercial Publisher]; American Academy of Ophthalmology [Associate Organisation], 2017)
O vírus Zika (ZIKV) é um vírus neurotrópico que pode atacar o sistema nervoso central e causar microcefalia, comprometimento do desenvolvimento neurológico e anormalidades esqueléticas, auditivas e oculares graves por ...
Cataract Remains an Important Cause of Blindness in Campinas, Brazil
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2009-01-01)
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of blindness in the elderly population of Campinas, Brazil, and to describe the coverage and quality of cataract surgery services in the area. Methods: A brief assessment of cataract ...
Cataract Remains an Important Cause of Blindness in Campinas, Brazil
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2009-01-01)
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of blindness in the elderly population of Campinas, Brazil, and to describe the coverage and quality of cataract surgery services in the area. Methods: A brief assessment of cataract ...