Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2855
Geographic variation in the advertisement call of Hypsiboas cordobae (Anura, Hylidae)
(Springer Heidelberg, 2014-03)
Geographic variation in the advertisement call of anuran is commonly observed among conspecific populations. We analyzed the geographic variation of advertisement calls in six populations of the Argentinean treefrog species ...
Phenotypical variation and taxonomic correlates of five closely related Andean species of Poa (Poaceae) along geographic and climatic gradients
(Magnolia Press, 2014-10)
Poa anfamensis, P. jujuyensis, P.lilloi, P. parviceps and P. scaberula (Poaceae) are a group of morphologically similar species. These species inhabit cool grasslands and mesic puna. They are highly polymorphic and their ...
Gene flow and geographic variation in natural populations of Alnus acuminata ssp. arguta (Fagales: Betulaceae) in Costa Rica and Panama
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 1999)
Alfred Russel Wallace and the Darwinian Species Concept: His Paper on the Swallowtail Butterflies (Papilionidae) of 1865
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas., 2009)
(Gustav Fischer Verlag JenaJenaAlemanha, 1990)
Geographic Variation among Closely Related, Highly Variable Species with a Wide Distribution Range: the South Andean-Patagonian Nassauvia subgenus Strongyloma (Asteraceae, Nassauvieae)
(American Society of Plant Taxonomists, 2014-03)
Morphological variation among the five species of Nassauvia subgenus Strongyloma was assessed through statistical analyses of morphometric traits in populations throughout the southern Andean-Patagonian region. Uni- and ...
Phenotypic variation of leptodactylus cupreus caramaschi, são-pedro and feio, 2008 (Anura, Leptodactylidae)
This study describes for the first time the female of Leptodactylus cupreus and provides new information concerning its geographical distribution, male's morphology and bioacustics. Leptodactylus cupreus, a poorly known ...
Intraspecific variation in a physiological thermoregulatory mechanism: the case of the lizard Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaeminae)
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2008)
Geographical and intrapopulation variation in the diet of a threatened marine predator, Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetacea)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-01-01)
Understanding diet variation is a major concern when developing conservation guidelines for threatened species, especially for marine predators whose prey availability can be reduced by commercial fisheries. Diet can vary ...