Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 996
The Future - (be) going to
In this topic, students will learn to express their intentions to do something or plans in the future tense, using the verb “To be” in the
present form, as well as the different verbs in the infinitive.
Future Tense Going To/Will
We are going to use future tense for events that they will happened after. We are going to use for decisions, plans or intentions.
Expresar Planes Futuros
It shows how to
express future plans &
intentions using
“Going to”.
Future Tense
We are going to use future tense for events that they will happened after. We are going to use for decisions, plans or intentions.
plans and projects
Along this unit the student will work and he will develop the
necessary skills on english language which are going to help him
to talk about his or her plans for a near or for a far future.
Making Plans and Spot Decisions
(Universidad de La SabanaDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras, 2016)
By the end of this lesson the student will be able to talk about his/her plans using present continuous and “be going to”.As well as he/she will be able to describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate ...
Planear proyectos futuros
The following presentation contains some
questions which can be useful to practice
speaking skills, specifically, to talk about future
plans or intentions.
Looking back to go forward? The interplay between long-term futures and political expectations in sustainability transitions in Chile.
One of the challenges of energy transitions is implementing governance schemes able to frame socio-technical transformations. This involves aligning the views and interests of diverse actors, guiding and intervening as a ...
A Little History of Economics
- Many people wish they knew more about economic ideas - but not enough, apparently, to endure the sicomfort that they imagine reading about them would entail. Niall Kishtainy - s A Little History of Economics solves their ...
A Little History of Economics
- Many people wish they knew more about economic ideas - but not enough, apparently, to endure the sicomfort that they imagine reading about them would entail. Niall Kishtainy - s A Little History of Economics solves their ...