Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 690
Caracterización biofísica de las interacciones de FtsEX, un transportador ABC en el divisoma de Escherichia coli
(Universidad de Chile, 2016)
El denominado divisoma bacteriano es un complejo multiproteíco que consta de, al
menos, 12 proteínas esenciales, las cuales se reclutan de forma secuencial e
interdependiente para llevar a cabo el proceso de segregación ...
Caracterizacion estructural y evolutiva del complejo FtsW/FtsI de Escherichia coliStructural and evolutive characterization of Escherichia coli FtsW/FtsI complexCaracterización estructural y evolutiva del complejo ftsw/ftsi de escherichia colistructural and evolutive characterizatión of escherichia coli ftsw/ftsi complex
The bacterial division es an esential process that is executed by a complex of proteins, called
divisome. FtsW and FtsI are membrane proteins part of this machinery, that form a complex.
This complex is formed in the ...
A model for the Escherichia coli FtsB/FtsL/FtsQ cell division complex
(BioMed Central Ltd., 2011)
Background: Bacterial division is produced by the formation of a macromolecular complex in the middle of the cell, called the divisome, formed by more than 10 proteins. This process can be divided into two steps, in which ...
FtsH2 and FtsH5: two homologous subunits use different integration mechanisms leading to the same thylakoid multimeric complex
P>The Arabidopsis thylakoid FtsH protease complex is composed of FtsH1/FtsH5 (type A) and FtsH2/FtsH8 (type B) subunits. Type A and type B subunits display a high degree of sequence identity throughout their mature domains, ...
Purification and characterization of FtsZ from the citrus canker pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xac) is the causative agent of citrus canker, a plant disease that significantly impacts citriculture. In earlier work, we showed that alkylated derivatives of gallic acid have antibacterial ...
Thermal adaptation of mesophilic and thermophilic FtsZ assembly by modulation of the critical concentration
(Public Library Science, 2017)
Cytokinesis is the last stage in the cell cycle. In prokaryotes, the protein FtsZ guides cell constriction by assembling into a contractile ring-shaped structure termed the Z-ring. Constriction of the Z-ring is driven by ...
4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) induces bundling of Escherichia coli FtsZ polymers inhibiting the GTPase activity
FtsZ (Filamentous temperature sensitivity Z) cell division protein from Escherichia coli binds the fluorescence probe DAPI. Bundling
of FtsZ was facilitated in the presence of DAPI, and the polymers in solution remained ...
Antibacterial activity of alkyl gallates is a combination of direct targeting of FtsZ and permeabilization of bacterial membranes
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2015-04-29)
Alkyl gallates are compounds with reported antibacterial activity. One of the modes of action is binding of the alkyl gallates to the bacterial membrane and interference with membrane integrity. However, alkyl gallates ...