Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3702
Effects of combined hardening and free-play nonlinearities on the response of a typical aeroelastic section
This paper presents an investigation about the dynamic response of a three-degree of freedom airfoil with hardening nonlinearity in the pitching stiffness and free-play nonlinearity in the control surface stiffness using ...
Forms of vitality play and symbolic play during the third year of life
(Elsevier, 2015-08)
This article focuses on the development of forms of vitality play, a recently described type of play, and links it to the development of symbolic play, one of the most studied types of play in developmental psychology. Two ...
O papel das brincadeiras espontâneas, livres e mediadas no desenvolvimento das crianças de 4 e 5 anos de uma turma de educação infantil
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2016-09-23)
This monograph addresses the role of spontaneous, free and mediated plays in the development of children of 4 and 5 years old in a group of early childhood education. Children of 4 and 5 years old relate to the environment ...
Playfulness in Children with Limited Motor Abilities When Using a Robot
Aims: Children with limited gross motor and manual abilities have fewer opportunities to engage in free play. We investigated the effect of a robotic intervention on the playfulness of children with cerebral palsy (CP). ...
Guyanese children's perceptions of the play experience [PowerPoint presentation]
Children's play is often trivialized and is generally assumed to be something "easy," non-serious, simply fun, and interesting. This study questions adult-centric constructions and assumptions of play as trivial, enjoyable, ...
Adicción a los videojuegos MMORPG y su enfoque en el Neuromarketing
En la actualidad los videojuegos son un fenómeno lúdico y un nicho muy importante
en mercadotecnia a nivel mundial; realizar un estudio sobre las causas de afición y las
emociones que enganchan a los usuarios en videojuegos ...
Play in childhood education as a cultural experience and formation for lifeBrincar na educação infantil como experiência de cultura e formação para a vida
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
“Lo esencial no es invisible” : Atractivo visual como desencadenante en la intención de recompra en juegos Free-to-Play
(Universidad de Chile, 2023)
El presente estudio busca analizar la relación entre aspectos extrínsecos a los videojuegos
online y la intención de recompra de los productos disponibles para la compra a los
jugadores en la misma plataforma. Dentro de ...
Social and individual factors modulate parent-infant interactions: lessons from free play sessions in an Argentine sample
(Elsevier, 2020-11)
In this study, we aimed to explore the associations between socioeconomic status (SES) (i.e., parents’ education and occupation, quality of the home and overcrowding), temperament styles (i.e., surgency, negative emotionality ...
Mothers, fathers and educators’ beliefs about play in Chilean preschool children
Robust data exist on the relation between play and children’s positive development. Yet, the time children devote to play has decreased in the last decades. Guided by the premise that adults’ beliefs about play are related ...