Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1946
“Old” and “new” forest governance for sustainable forest management: an updated review“Vieja” y “nueva” gobernanza forestal para el manejo forestal sustentable: una revisión actualizada
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2023)
Manejo forestal comunitario
Presenta las principales caracteríticas de un manejo forestal comunitario en donde aborda el interés del uso planificado de diferentes tipos de bosque por parte de las poblaciones locales; el involucramiento activo, ...
Assessing and monitoring forest governance : a user's guide to a diagnostic tool
(PROFOR, 2012)
This is a guide to diagnosing strengths and weaknesses in forest governance using a tool developed by PROFOR (Program on Forests). The tool consists of a set of indicators and a protocol for scoring the indicators. The ...
In what context did forest certification in Chile arise? Environmental, social and economic performance of non-certified firms¿En qué contexto surge la certificación forestal en Chile?: desempeño ambiental, social y económico de empresas no certificadas
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2017)
Forest governance without transparency? Evaluating state efforts to reduce deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2017)
Over 60% of the Amazon basin is contained within nine federal Brazilian states. How transparent are state-level governments about implementing and enforcing deforestation reduction policies? Advocates and officials can ...
REDD+ Governance and indigenous peoples in Latin America: the case of Suru Carbon Project in the Brazilian Amazon Forest
REDD+ Governance and indigenous peoples in Latin America: the case of Suru Carbon Project in the Brazilian Amazon Forest
REDD+ projects have gained prominence on the international agenda as an alternative to face climate change. An increasing number of initiatives are implemented around the world, especially in Latin America. In Brazil, REDD+ ...
Can't see the forest for the trees: can declining deforestation trends in the Argentinian Chaco Region be ascribed to efficient law enforcement?
(Elsevier, 2018)
A national “Forest Law” passed in Argentina in 2007 mandated provincial governments to set up and implement
land use planning processes in order to protect their native forests and regulate the expansion of large-scale
Forest-related partnerships in Brazilian Amazonia: There is more to sustainable forest management than reduced impact logging
There is more to sustainable forest management than reduced impact logging. Partnerships between multiple actors are needed in order to create the institutional context for good forest governance and sustainable forest ...