Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34503
Foreign Language Education for Living
(Daily Express, 2004)
This article examines the role of foreign language teachers in education for living
Foreign direct investment and the supply of credit in MéxicoForeign direct investment and the supply of credit in México
(Revista Momento Económico, 2009)
La función diplomática
(CEPAL, 2014)
El control imperial de Gran Bretaña y Francia en Medio Oriente: Egipto y el balance del poder. (La balanza de los juegos coloniales en jaque : ¿la venganza de Horus, el hechizo de Armida o la predicción de la Marschallin?)
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 2010-)
Why the ‘Rest’ doesn’t need foreign finance
The Rest will be able to catch up and grow faster than the West only if it goes against a 'received truth', namely that capital-rich countries should transfer their capital to capital-poor countries. This intuitive truth ...
Teletandem: Focus on Form and the Development of the Foreign Language Teacher
(Univ Federal Minas Gerais, Fac Letras, 2015-01-01)
Teletandem is a virtual autonomous webcam-based context (image, voice and text), where two students help each other learn their native (or other) language through intercultural and linguistic collaboration. In this paper, ...
Learning foreign languages in teletandem: Resources and strategies
Teletandem is a virtual, collaborative, and autonomous context in which two speakers of different languages use the text, voice, and webcam image resources of VOIP technology (Skype) to help each other learn their native ...
Los giros del comercio exterior y la inversión extranjera directa en Cuba / The turns of foreign trade and direct foreign investment in cuba
Cuban economy has a high dependence on foreign trade. In this way, Cuban economy is very
vulnerable to changes occurring in the international economy. The changes in domestic economic
policy and in the international ...