Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 129
Worldwide distribution patterns of the planktonic shelled protists Radiolaria (Polycystina) and Foraminifera: Similarities and contrasts
(SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, 2019-06)
Abstract: Planktonic Foraminifera and Polycystina (Radiolaria) depict roughly similar—but not identical—worldwide distribution patterns. Discrepancies affect both cold- and warmwater areas, as well as the latitudinal profile ...
Living (stained) calcareous benthic foraminifera from recent sediments off Concepción, central-southern Chile (~36° S)
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2008)
Foraminifera as indicators of marine pollutant contamination on the inner continental shelf of southern Brazil
Analyses of living foraminiferal and environmental parameters near an outfall at Mar Grosso Beach (Laguna, SC, Brazil) demonstrate its usefulness as indicators of domestic sewage pollution. The low species diversity may ...
Evaluation of the ecological health of the Laguna Estuarine system, Santa Catarina, Brazil, based in the Foraminífera and Thecamoebians speciesAvaliação da Saúde Ecológica do Sistema Estuarino de Laguna (SC) Baseado nas Espécies de Foraminíferos e Tecamebas
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2006)
Analysis of foraminifera assemblages and sediment geochemical properties to characterise the environment near Araca and Saco da Cape la domestic sewage submarine outfalls of Sao Sebastiao Channel, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
Superficial bottom samples were collected near diffusers of domestic sewage submarine outfalls at Araca and Saco da Capela, Sao Sebastiao Channel, Brazil. The goal of this study was to investigate the distribution and ...
Tracing latitudinal gradient, river discharge and water masses along the Subtropical South American Coast using benthic Foraminifera assemblages
More than 30% of Buccella peruviana (D'Orbigny), Globocassidulina crassa porrecta (Earland & Heron-Allen), Cibicides mackannai (Galloway & Wissler) and C. refulgens (Montfort) indicate the presence of cold Sub Antarctic ...
Nannofossils, foraminifera and microforaminiferal linings in the Cenozoic diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctica
(Polish Acad Sciences Committee Polar Research, 2014-01)
Micropaleontological and palynological samples from three Cenozoic dia− mictites at Cape Lamb, Vega Island, James Ross Basin were analysed. Fossiliferous sam− ples yielded reworked and autochthonous assemblages of Mesozoic ...
Cenozoic microfossil (Foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils) assemblages from the subsurface Magallanes Basin, Tierra del Fuego Island, ChileEnsambles de microfósiles (foraminíferos y nanofósiles calcáreos) cenozoicos del subsuelo de la cuenca de Magallanes, Isla de Tierra del Fuego, Chile
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2021-05-21)
Foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from washed drill-cuttings of three wells in the Chilean sector of the Magallanes Basin were studied. This contribution aims to identify, characterize and illustrate microfossil ...