Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17
On the Marginal Deformations of General (0,2) Non-Linear Sigma-Models
(Amer Mathematical Soc, 2015-01-01)
In this note we explore the possible marginal deformations of general (0,2) non-linear sigma-models, which arise as descriptions of the weakly coupled (large radius) limits of four-dimensional N = 1 compactifications of ...
Probing the string winding sector
(Springer, 2017-03)
We probe a slice of the massive winding sector of bosonic string theory from toroidal compactifications of Double Field Theory (DFT). This string subsector corresponds to states containing one left and one right moving ...
Gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking from a Double Field Theory perspective
(Springer, 2017-07)
Gauge symmetry enhancing, at specific points of the compactification space, is a distinguished feature of string theory. In this work we discuss the breaking of such symmetries with tools provided by Double Field Theory ...
Vacuum polarization for compactified QED4+1 in a magnetic flux background
(American Physical Society, 2010-03)
We evaluate one-loop effects for QED4+1 compactified to R4×S1 in a nontrivial vacuum for the gauge field such that a nonvanishing magnetic flux is encircled along the extra dimension. We obtain the vacuum polarization ...
Exploring double field theory
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2013-06)
We consider a flux formulation of Double Field Theory in which fluxes are dynamical and field-dependent. Gauge consistency imposes a set of quadratic constraints on the dynamical fluxes, which can be solved by truly double ...
Double Field Theory description of heterotic gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking
(Springer, 2017-10)
A Double Field Theory (DFT) description of gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking in the heterotic string is presented. The construction, based on previous results for the bosonic string, relies on the extension of the tangent ...
The gauge structure of Exceptional Field Theories and the tensor hierarchy
(Springer, 2014-04-07)
We address the construction of manifest U-duality invariant generalized diffeomorphisms. The closure of the algebra requires an extension of the tangent space to include a tensor hierarchy indicating the existence of an ...
Duality phases and halved maximal D=4 supergravity
(Amer Physical Soc, 2013-04)
The duality angles deformation developed by de Roo and Wagemans within the context of N=4 gauged supergravity is used in order to study certain classes of gaugings of N=8 supergravity, namely, those that are consistent ...
The Odd story of α′-corrections
(Springer, 2017-04)
The α′-deformed frame-like Double Field Theory (DFT) is a T-duality and gauge invariant extension of DFT in which generalized Green-Schwarz transformations provide a gauge principle that fixes the higher-derivative ...