Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 367
Geoquímica de Elementos Terras Raras e Elementos Traço na Fluorita: Comparação entre Filões das Partes Norte e Sul do Distrito Fluorítico de Santa Catarina e Implicações no Modelo GenéticoRare earth and trace elements geochemistry in fluorite: comparison among veins from southern and northern parts of the Santa Catarina Fluorite District and constraints on the genetic model
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2008)
Geologia e Geoquímica (ETR e Inclusões Fluidas) das Mineralizações (F, BA) da Parte Norte do Distrito Fluorítico de Santa Catrina, Sul do Brasil
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 1999)
Flotation of high-grade fluorite in a short column under negative bias regime
(Minerals Engineering, 2006)
Evaluation in situ of genotoxicity and stress in South American common toad Rhinella arenarum in environments related to fluorite mine
(Springer Heidelberg, 2017-07)
Little attention has been paid to the impact of wastewater generated by mining activities on fluoride. In this study, we evaluated the hematology responses of common South American toad Rhinella arenarum inhabiting natural ...