Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
The Flat Dilatometer Test in an Unsaturated Tropical Soil Site
The site characterization of unsaturated soils is well stablished based on laboratory tests, which are expensive and time-consuming. In-situ testing methods, such as the flat dilatometer test (DMT), are an alternative to ...
Prediction of Load-Settlement Curves by the DMT in an Unsaturated Tropical Soil Site
(Brazilian Soc Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, 2019-09-01)
Several methods for prediction of the load-settlement curves of shallow foundations have been proposed based on in-situ testing data. However, the good accuracy of such prediction depends on the definition of appropriate ...
DMT for Load-Settlement Curve Prediction in a Tropical Sandy Soil Compared to Plate Load Tests
(Amer Soc Testing Materials, 2020-01-01)
The flat dilatometer test (DMT) has been used as an accurate in situ site investigation tool for foundation settlement prediction. However, few investigations have assessed its performance in settlement prediction in unusual ...
Using a Seismic Dilatometer to Identify Collapsible Soils
Collapsible soils are unusual geomaterials found in several regions of the world. These soils undergo sudden and large volumetric compressive deformations upon wetting under constant loading. It is a problematic soil that ...
Estudo da compressibilidade e da colapsibilidade de um perfil do subsolo por meio do DMT
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-12-21)
As deformações verticais de um solo devido à carregamentos típicos, como em fundações superficiais, podem influenciar o desempenho de edificações. Elas podem causar grandes prejuízos quando não previstas adequadamente, em ...
Avaliação do comportamento solo-estrutura de elementos de fundação tipo sapata estaqueadaAssessment of the behavior of soil-structure foundation elements like piled footing
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRGeotecniaDoutorado em Engenharia CivilUFV, 2015)
Aumento de la profundidad de exploración implementando el método de la “correlación cruzada” de registros pasivos obtenidos por medio de geófonos comerciales de 4.5Hz
(Medellín - Minas - Maestría en Ingeniería - GeotecniaDepartamento de Ingeniería CivilUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2020-08-13)
Este trabajo presenta la implementación de la técnica de la “Correlación Cruzada” en registros pasivos tomados con geófonos comerciales de 4.5 Hz para definir las propiedades de dispersión representadas en un modo fundamental, ...