Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 190
Foam flow of oil-refrigerant R12 mixture in a small diameter tube
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas - ABCM, 2006-12)
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the mineral oil ISO VG10-refrigerant R12 mixture flow with foam formation in a straight horizontal 3.22 mm ID, 6.0 m long tube. An experimental apparatus was designed ...
Viscous flow flash sintering of porous silica glass
(Elsevier Science, 2017-11-15)
For the first-time compacts of porous glass particles (95 wt% SiO2, 2.3% Na2O, 1.6% Al2O3) exhibiting macro-, meso- and micro-pores were densified by flash sintering, using DC electric field in the range 1000–3000 V cm− ...
Flash sintering of ionic conductors: the need of a reversible electrochemical reaction
(ElsevierOxford, 2016)
Flash sintering (FS) is a current-assisted sintering technique able to densify ceramics in short periods of time (just a few seconds) at temperatures significantly lower than in conventional sintering processes. FS technique ...
Densification and enhancement of the grain boundary conductivity of gadolinium-doped barium cerate by ultra fast flash grain welding
Doped barium cerate is a promising solid electrolyte for intermediate temperature fuel cells as a protonic conductor. However, it is difficult to sinter it to high density at a reasonable temperature. Moreover, it presents ...
Estudio mediante la realizacion de pruebas experimentales de flotacion Flash SkimAir 80, en la Compañía Minera las Bambas
(Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, 2018)
Los resultados generales obtenidos de las Pruebas Piloto Experimentales con el uso de “UNA CELDA DE FLOTACION FLASH” (CELDA FLASH SkimAIR – 80 Outotec), en la Minera BAMBAS S.A.A. (Planta Concentradora), trabajando con el ...
Numerical solution of the two-phase expansion of a metastable flashing liquid jet using the dispersion-controlled dissipative scheme
This paper presents a study of the stationary phenomenon of superheated or metastable liquid jets, flashing into a two-dimensional axisymmetric domain, while in the two-phase region. In general, the phenomenon starts off ...
Dimensionamento e análise de desempenho de um sistema de reaproveitamento de vapor flash proveniente de uma fábrica de farinha e gordura animal para aquecimento de água
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2015-02-23)
This objective of the work is the project and performance analysis of a recovery system / flash steam generated by meat meal factory . The great demand for animal feed in Brazil caused a great need to look for more efficient ...
A new simple and efficient flash algorithm for T-v specifications
(Elsevier Science, 2018-05)
Flash calculations have innumerable applications. Fast and robust algorithms for the (T-P) variant have spread since the early 80's, when Michelsen proposed an efficient successive-substitution algorithm for this specification, ...
The Impact of Flashing on the Efficacy of Variable Message Signs: A Vehicle-by-Vehicle Approach
A great deal of research has examined the efficacy of variable message signs (VMS) to induce driver behavior changes, improve safety conditions, and decongest the traffic network.
However, there is little literature regarding ...