Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 30
Flow in a nature-like fishway and its relation to fish behaviour
(Universidad de Concepción.Departamento de Ingeniería CivilDepartamento de Ingeniería Civil., 2012)
Nature-like fishways are hydraulic structures built in order to allow fish to negotiate river obstructions. Being different than common fishways designs, nature-like fishways imitate natural rivers characteristics as they ...
Can fishways restore river connectivity? A case study using β diversity as a method of assessmentPassagens para peixes podem restaurar a conectividade fluvial? Um estudo de caso usando diversidade β como método de avaliação
Aim: β diversity was used as an indicator to test the hypothesis that a fishway can increase river connectivity, as a reduction in the value of this metric indicates greater similarity among fish assemblages. Methods: ...
The fish strouhal number as a criterion for hydraulic fishway design
Longitudinal river fragmentation through physical barriers is a major issue for the conservation of aquatic species in regions with intense hydropower development, such as Chile. The construction of fishways is the main ...
Effectiveness of a fish ladder for two Neotropical migratory species in the Paraná River
We evaluated the effectiveness of the fish ladder at Porto Primavera Dam in the severely regulated Upper Paraná River, for two Neotropical migratory fish species. Overall, 564 fish (448 Megaleporinus obtusidens and 116 M. ...
Comparative physiology and relative swimming performance of three redhorse (Moxostoma spp.) species: associations with fishway passage success
(University of Chicago Press, 2014-02)
Our understanding of biological design criteria to facilitate fishway passage design is limited, partially due to the lack of understanding of biological motivators, cues and constraints, as well as a lack of biological ...
Development of fishways for longitudinal connectivity of Chilean rivers threatened by small-scale hydropower plant.
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, 2022)
Freshwater ecosystems have become severely fragmented by artificial
instream structures. Significant efforts have been made to reconnect freshwater
systems to support fish movement through the design and installation ...
Bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river: Response to a comment
In a recent article, we described fitting electronic tags to the fish Prochilodus lineatus to document how a fishway connected aquatic habitats downstream and upstream of a major dam. Moreover, given that tagged fish ...
Levantamento experimental e computacional do comportamento de uma escada de peixes do tipo ranhura vertical em diferentes vazões e declividades
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-06-29)
Fishways provide a better environmental surrounds to streams and rivers that were intercepted with weirs or dams. It is achieved providing the migration of fish through these systems. Fish swim capabilities correlated to ...