Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 208
Management impacts on fire occurrence: A comparison of fire regimes of African and South American tropical savannas in different protected areas
Humans can alter fire dynamics in grassland systems by changing fire frequency, fire seasonality and fuel conditions. These changes have effects on vegetation structure and recovery, species composition, and ecosystem ...
Fire and herbivory shape belowground bud banks in a semi-arid African savanna
Fire and herbivory are major drivers in tropical savanna ecosystems and they selected a flora composed of species able to cope with recurrent aboveground biomass removal. Renewal of the herbaceous stratum is made possible ...
Does season affect fire behaviour in the Cerrado?
Fire has played an important role in the plant dynamics and diversity of the Cerrado for millions of years. We evaluated fire behaviour in different fire seasons in areas of an open savanna, providing information for fire ...
The year 2017: Megafires and management in the cerrado
The year 2017 was a megafire year, when huge areas burned on different continents. In Brazil, a great extension of the Cerrado burned, raising once more the discussion about the “zero-fire” policy. Indeed, most protected ...
Human-climate interactions shape fire regimes in the Cerrado of São Paulo state, Brazil
The Cerrado is the most diverse tropical savanna in the world. As a fire-prone ecosystem, natural fire in the Cerrado shapes plant communities and drives evolutionary processes. Human activities and landscape management ...
Fire promotes functional plant diversity and modifies soil carbon dynamics in tropical savanna
Fire is an evolutionary environmental filter in tropical savanna ecosystems altering functional diversity and associated C pools in the biosphere and fluxes between the atmosphere and biosphere. Therefore, alterations in ...
Short-term changes caused by fire and mowing in Brazilian Campos grasslands with different long-term fire histories
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-06-01)
Questions: What are the main short- term changes in vegetation structure after fire and mowing in Campos grasslands? Are there differences in functional vegetation group responses between sites with diverse fire histories ...
Short-term changes caused by fire and mowing in Brazilian Campos grasslands with different long-term fire histories
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-06-01)
Questions: What are the main short- term changes in vegetation structure after fire and mowing in Campos grasslands? Are there differences in functional vegetation group responses between sites with diverse fire histories ...
Fire in neotripical savannas
(Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net]Reino Unido, 2014)