Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 85
Normal numbers and finite automata
(Elsevier Science, 2013-03)
We give an elementary and direct proof of the following theorem: A real number is normal to a given integer base if, and only if, its expansion in that base is incompressible by lossless finite-state compressors (these are ...
On the synchronization of finite state automata
Abstract: We study some problems related to the synchronization of finite state automata and the Cˇerny’s conjecture. We focus on the synchronization of small sets of states, and more specifically on the synchronization ...
Normality and Automata
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2015-12)
We prove that finite-state transducers with injective behavior, deterministic or not, real-time or not, with no extra memory or a single counter, cannot compress any normal word. We exhaust all combinations of determinism, ...
Finite-state independence and normal sequences
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-08)
We consider the previously defined notion of finite-state independence and we focus specifically on normal words. We characterize finite-state independence of normal words in three different ways, using three different ...
Dynamics of Automata Networks: Theory and numerical experiments.
Automata Networks are discrete dynamical systems initially introduced by von Neumann [84], Mc-Culloch [50] and Ulam [81] and they have been used to model diverse complex systems such as the study of the evolution and ...
On the asymptotic enumeration of accessible automata
We simplify the known formula for the asymptotic estimate of the number of deterministic and accessible automata with n states over a k-letter alphabet. The proof relies on the theory of Lagrange inversion applied in the ...
Finite-State Independence
(Springer, 2018-10)
In this work we introduce a notion of independence based on finite-state automata: two infinite words are independent if no one helps to compress the other using one-to-one finite-state transducers with auxiliary input. ...
Reviewing the Service Specification of the IEEE 802.16 MAC Layer Connection Management: A Formal Approach
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2013)
Dynamical system modeling with probabilistic finite state automata
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Engenharia Eletrica, 2018)