Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 99
Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects among children in a secondary nutritional recovery centre Sindrome de alcoholismo fetal y efectos del alcohol sobre el feto: Importancia del diagnóstico precoz y del manejo nutricional
Background: Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol effects (FAE) encompass a pattern of birth defects in persons whose mothers ingested alcohol during pregnancy. People with FAE display fewer of the FAS traits. ...
Alcohol-induced alterations in the palate epithelium of the rat fetus.
Maternal alcoholism (ethanol and sugar cane brandy) during gestation induces delayed cellular growth and differentiation in fetal rat palate epithelium, with increased nuclear, cytoplasmic and cellular volumes, increased ...
Alcohol-induced alterations in the palate epithelium of the rat fetus.
Maternal alcoholism (ethanol and sugar cane brandy) during gestation induces delayed cellular growth and differentiation in fetal rat palate epithelium, with increased nuclear, cytoplasmic and cellular volumes, increased ...
Alcohol consumption during pregnancyConsumo de alcohol durante el embarazo
(Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, 2021-02)
Comentario relativo a las categorias diagnósticas de la problemática del alcohol durante el embarazo. Especial énfasis en consecuencias del consumo moderado de etanol y los aspectos de programación fetal con la droga.
Alcohol y embarazo: análisis de estrategias para disminuir el consumo de alcohol en mujeres en edad reproductiva en Uruguay
(Udelar. FM, 2016)
En Uruguay 1 de cada 2 fetos están expuestos al alcohol en la gestación, el cual es la primera causa de retardo mental no heredable. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la efectividad y aplicabilidad de métodos de ...
Síndrome alcoólica fetal: reflexões para a prática de enfermagem obstétrica e neonatalFetal alcohol syndrome: reflections for obstetrics and neonatal nursing praticeSíndrome alcohólico fetal: reflexiones para la práctica de enfermería obstétrica y neonatal
(Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2015)
Prospective identification of pregnant women drinking four or more standard drinks (≥48 g) of alcohol per day
We aimed to identify drinking rates in a prospectively identified cohort of pregnant women, and subsequently, to identify the drinkers of 48 g or more alcohol/day among them, by using complementary methods for verifying ...
Desordens do espectro alcoólico fetal e habilidades de comunicação: relato de caso familiar
(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2010)
Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil de habilidades comunicativas de cinco irmãos com Desordens do Espectro Alcoólico Fetal. O diagnóstico de Desordens do Espectro Alcoólico Fetal foi realizado a partir do ...