Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 120
Campaigning for the Right to Legal and Safe Abortion in Brazil
(IDS-Institute of Development Studies, 2008-07)
Campaigning for the Right to Legal and Safe Abortion in Brazil
(IDS-Institute of Development Studies, 2008-07)
This article examines the experience of mobilizing for the right to safe, legal abortion in Brazil. It focuses on exploring the strategies pursued by the feminist and women’s movements to “win hearts and minds” both within ...
“I Have Apostatized”: Self-Narratives of Catholic Apostasy as Resources for Collective Mobilization in Argentina
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022-02)
Since 2009, the Collective Apostasy Campaign in Argentina has mobilized some people who are opposed to the political interference of the Catholic Church through the formal act of apostatizing. The politicization of sexual ...
Um ativismo (quase) esquecido: o movimento sufragista e seu impacto na política externa britânica (1914-1918)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-12-15)
Gender relations are a recent research topic within the area of International Relations
(IR). Therefore, considering the lack of studies and visibility on the subject within this
discipline and the international and ...
Um ativismo (quase) esquecido: o movimento sufragista e seu impacto na política externa britânica (1914-1918)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-12-15)
Gender relations are a recent research topic within the area of International Relations
(IR). Therefore, considering the lack of studies and visibility on the subject within this
discipline and the international and ...
Corpo, experiência e feminismo: um estudo do Movimento Marcha das Vadias em Santa Maria
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRSociologiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais, 2016-06-24)
From ethnographic research held in Santa Maria, RS, between the years 2014 and 2015, this dissertation analyzed the activities, assemblages, also life path of young women that instate and support the Slut Walk Movement, ...
Estudio comunicacional de las plataformas STREAMING de campañas feministas y su recepción en jóvenes de la Facultad de Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Guayaquil 2020-2021 C II
Las campañas feministas en las plataformas streaming es el punto de partida que orienta el problema de investigación en los estudiantes de Facultad de Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Guayaquil. El objetivo principal ...
Retazos de anécdotas: pensando nuestras acciones, construyendo nuestra(s) historia(s)Scraps of stories: thinking our actions building our history(s)
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Centro de investigaciones interdisciplinarias de filosofía en la escuela (CIIFE), 2017-08)
En este artículo compartimos algunos hitos en la historia de la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito, como parte de la lucha por el derecho al aborto en Argentina. Relata, desde un saber ...
A representação do feminismo contemporâneo na comunicação de marcas de moda em suas redes sociais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2022-03-29)
In this paper, aspects of feminism and the concept of gender will be addressed, seeking to relate to advertising and especially the campaigns of fashion brands that use Femvertising as a tool for their communications. The ...
A representação do feminismo contemporâneo na comunicação de marcas de moda em suas redes sociais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2022-03-29)
In this paper, aspects of feminism and the concept of gender will be addressed, seeking to relate to advertising and especially the campaigns of fashion brands that use Femvertising as a tool for their communications. The ...