Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 331
Feminicide Violence Before and During the COVID-19 Health Emergency
(Mary Ann Liebert, 2022)
This work explores the extreme violence against women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru, considering different restriction periods. This is relevant in view of increased violence against women. The objective ...
Feminicide as ‘act’ and ‘process’: a geography of gendered violence in Oaxaca
Abstract: Feminicide in Mexico is most notoriously associated with the serial deaths of women in and around Ciudad Juárez. A 2005 congressional investigation expanded, nonetheless, the geographical scope of feminicide, ...
DPF: App for diagnosing the psychological profile of a possible feminicide
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-03-01)
The most visible expression of violence against women is feminicide. The majority of feminicide cases are committed by the partner or former partner of the victim. This involves ongoing domestic abuses, threats or intimidation, ...
Feminicide. Questioning the Body of ChristFeminicidio: interrogación al Cuerpo roto de Cristo
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2018)
A aplicabilidade das medidas protetivas de urgência da lei Maria da Penha como forma de coibir o feminicídio: análise do caso Dineia Batista Rosa
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2018-07-05)
This paper aims to present aspects related to the applicability of Protective Measures of Urgency in Maria da Penha Law, understanding that law as a way of curbing feminicide crime. For this purpose, it is presented ...
El efecto Desdémona: feminicidio y apropiación de la voz de las mujeresDesdemona’s effect: femi(ni)cide and appropriation of women’s voices
(Universidad del Valle, 2017-09)
Los medios masivos de comunicación, entendidos como elementos activos de las tecnologías de género, ejercen un tipo particular de violencia simbólica en relación al feminicidio, en tanto responsabilizan a las mujeres ...
Feminicide: As a Symbolic and Discriminatory Criminal OffenseFeminicidio: tipo penal simbólico y discriminatorio
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018)
Violence Against Women: Contributions from Latin America
Beginning in the 1980s, Latin American feminist movements identified violence against women as one the main social problems in the region, resulting from a system of gender oppression intertwined with economic and political ...