Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2473
Emulsifier in broiler diets containing different fat sources
(Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas, 2011-06-01)
This present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of an emulsifier to diets containing soybean oil, poultry fat or their blend, on the performance, carcass traits, serum lipid levels, pancreatic lipase ...
Emulsifier in broiler diets containing different fat sources
(Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas, 2011-06-01)
This present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of an emulsifier to diets containing soybean oil, poultry fat or their blend, on the performance, carcass traits, serum lipid levels, pancreatic lipase ...
Effect of lipid sources on fatty acid profiles of meat from pasture- and feedlot-finished Nellore bulls
We aimed to compare the influence of two lipid sources (soybean grain [SG], and protected fat [PF, Lactoplus], based on soybean oil) with a control diet (no lipid supplementation) on the fatty acid (FA) profile (longissimus ...
Effect of organic sources of minerals on fat-corrected milk yield of dairy cows in confinement
(Revista Brasileira Zootecnia Brazilian Journal Animal Sci, 2015-03-01)
This study evaluated the effects of organic and inorganic sources of minerals in diets for mid-lactation dairy cows on milk yield and composition, intake and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, blood ...
Fat preserving by laser 1210-nm
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-02)
Diode Laser (LSDL) 1210-nm is ideal for Liposculpture.
Animal performance, feeding behaviour and carcass traits of feedlot cattle diet fed with agro-industrial by-product as fat source
In feedlot system is particularly important to reduce the cattle feeding cost without impact on the animal gain and carcass, in this sense, aimed with this study to evaluate animal performance and carcass traits of the ...
Performance and carcass characteristics of cattle fed lipid sources in the diet
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the inclusion of different lipid sources [whole cottonseed (CS) and protected fat in diets containing sugarcane, corn, citrus pulp, CS meal, and urea] on animal performance, ...
The influence of lipidic sources on the cholesterol plasma levels of beef heifers
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-01-01)
Ácidos graxos e colesterol da carne de cordeiros confinados recebendo dietas contendo fontes lipídicas e submetidos à restrição e realimentação
It was evaluated the effects of sunflower grains inclusion or protected fat in the diet and compensatory growth on the loin eye area, subcutaneous fat thickness, chemical composition, cholesterol concentration and fatty ...