Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5044
Extremal problems on sum-free sets and coverings in tridimensional spaces
Given a prime power q, define c (q) as the minimum cardinality of a subset H of F 3 q which satisfies the following property: every vector in this space di ff ers in at most 1 coordinate from a multiple of a vector in H. ...
Louisiana’s response to extreme weather a Coastal State’s adaptation challenges and successes
Projections of future extreme weather; environmental history; social diversity,
inequality, and vulnerability; environmental justice; impacts of historic disasters;
actual and potential impacts of policies designed to ...
Louisiana’s response to extreme weather : a coastal state’s adaptation challenges and successes
Projections of future extreme weather; environmental history; social diversity,
inequality, and vulnerability; environmental justice; impacts of historic disasters;
actual and potential impacts of policies designed to ...
Fighting terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation and worldwide: common issues
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Estimation of the optimal number of neurons in extreme learning machine using simulated annealing and the golden section
(IOP Publishing, 2023)
Extreme learning machine is a neural network algorithm widely accepted in the scientific community due to the simplicity of the model and its good results in classification and regression problems; digital image processing, ...