Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58
Accelerating benders decomposition with heuristicmaster problem solutions
(Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional, 2012)
In this paper, a general scheme for generating extra cuts during the execution of a Benders decomposition algorithm is presented. These cuts are based on feasible and infeasible master problem solutions generated by means ...
Traffic restrictions for heavy vehicles: Leaf-cutting ants avoid extra-large loads when the foraging flow is high
(Elsevier Science, 2020-01)
A better knowledge of the behaviors that reduce traffic congestions is essential to understand the success of the trail system despite of costs. Leaf-cutting ants use a trunk-trail system to transport leaf fragments into ...
Direct signals for large extra dimensions in the production of fermion pairs at linear colliders
We analyze the potential of the next generation of e+e- linear colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of fermion pairs in association with Kaluza-Klein gravitons (G), i.e., e+e- →ff̃G. This process ...
Direct signals for large extra dimensions in the production of fermion pairs at linear colliders
We analyze the potential of the next generation of e+e- linear colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of fermion pairs in association with Kaluza-Klein gravitons (G), i.e., e+e- →ff̃G. This process ...
Optimized model for pre-cut blasting in mining operations in underground mining in Peru
(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2019-01-01)
In the mining industry of Peru, as a consequence of large scale mineral extraction and a dynamic process of ore dressing, the different activities of the operation are neglected. This neglect, in some cases, generates ...
Short-scale variability of the SCLM beneath the extra-Andean back-arc (Paso de Indios, Argentina): Evidence from spinel-facies mantle xenoliths
(De Gruyter, 2015-02)
Cenozoic basalts carrying ultramafic mantle xenoliths occur in the Matilde, León and Chenque hills in the Paso de Indios region, Argentina. The mantle xenoliths from the Chenque and León hills mainly present porphyroclastic ...
Diseño y evaluación de biorefinerías sostenibles a partir de materias primas de regiones tropicales
Hoy en día hay varias preocupaciones sobre el uso de los recursos y los impactos generados en la transformación de éstos en bienes y servicios. Actualmente la biomasa aparece como una alternativa a la economía basada en ...