Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5987
Influential factors on purchasing frequency in virtual bookstores in Brazil
The scope of this article is to present exploratory research into factors that influence purchasing frequency in virtual bookstores in Brazil. Despite the growth in volume of sales via electronic commerce and recognition ...
Validation of the spanish version of the prosocial behavior toward different targets scale
(SAGE Publications, 2019-07)
The objective of this article was to validate the Spanish version of a prosociality scale that evaluates prosociality toward family members, friends, and strangers. This objective was developed in two studies. In Study 1, ...
Validation of the short posttraumatic stress disorder rating interview (SPRINT-E) in a sample of people affected by F-27 Chilean earthquake and tsunami
Use of structural equation models to evaluate the relationship between eating patterns and obesity for elderly peopleUso de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para evaluar la relación entre los patrones de alimentación y la obesidad en personas mayores
Introduction: in the Brazilian population it is noted that obesity is increasing in all ages, particularly in the elderly, due to changes in habits and the consumption of foods with high energy density. The objective of ...
decifra-me ou te devoro: Uma análise das variáveis e fatores que influenciam o impacto da pesquisa científica desenvolvida na área de sustentabilidade no Brasil
The goal of this research is to analyze what are the key variables and factors that, in the perception of researchers in the field of sustainability in Brazil, may be influencing the impact research conducted by them. ...
The psychometric properties of the 16-item version of the Prodromal Questionnaire (PQ-16) as a screening instrument for perinatal psychosis
(Springer, 2018)
Psychiatric illness can pose serious risks to pregnant and postpartum women and their infants. There is a need for screening tools that can identify women at risk for postpartum psychosis, the most dangerous perinatal ...
Attitudes Expressed in Online Comments about Environmental Factors in the Tourism Sector: An Exploratory Study
The object of this exploratory study is to identify the positive, neutral and negative environment factors that affect users who visit Spanish hotels in order to help the hotel managers decide how to improve the quality ...
Validity of the posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) checklist in pregnant women
(BioMed Central, 2017)
Background: The PTSD Checklist-civilian (PCL-C) is one of the most commonly used self-report measures of PTSD symptoms, however, little is known about its validity when used in pregnancy. This study aims to evaluate the ...