Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
Spontaneous activity of the light-dependent channel irreversibly induced in excised patches from Limulus ventral photoreceptors
(Springer-Verlag, 1992)
We have studied the properties of membrane patches excised from the transducing lobe of Limulus ventral photoreceptors. If patches are excised into an "internal" solution that resembles the ionic composition of the cytoplasm, ...
Studies of the light-transduction signaling cascade in excised inside-out patches from the photosensitive membrane of Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptors
Phototransduction in the Drosophila compound eye takes place in 40,000 tightly packed specialized microvilli of the photoreceptor cells. Upon light activation, rhodopsin couples to a G-protein that activates phospholipase-C ...
Light activation of the phototransduction cascade in membrane patches excised from the light-sensitive microvilli of Drosophila photoreceptors
Phototransduction in the Drosophila compound eye takes place in 40,000 tightly packed specialized microvilli of the photoreceptor cells. Light activates rhodopsin that couples to G-protein (G-P), activating phospholipase-C ...
Light-dependent channels from excised patches of Limulus ventral photoreceptors are opened by cGMP
(National Academy of Sciences, 1991)
The identity of the second menenger that directly activates the light-dependent conductance in invertebrate photoreceptors remains unclear; the available evidence provides some support for cGMP and Ca2+. To resolve this ...
Light-Induced Opening of the TRP Channel in Isolated Membrane Patches Excised from Photosensitive Microvilli from Drosophila Photoreceptors
(Elsevier, 2019)
Drosophila phototransduction occurs in light-sensitive microvilli arranged in a longitudinal structure of the photoreceptor, termed the rhabdomere. Rhodopsin (Rh), isomerized by light, couples to G-protein, which activates ...
Cilium-attached and excised patch-clamp recordings of odourant-activated Ca-dependent K channels from chemosensory cilia of olfactory receptor neurons
It has previously been proposed that a Ca2+-dependent K + conductance is implicated in the inhibitory odourant response in rat and toad olfactory receptor neurons. Previous whole-cell and single-channel measurements on ...
Alzheimer's disease amyloid β-protein forms Zn2+-sensitive, cation- selective channels across excised membrane patches from hypothalamic neurons
(Biophysical Society, 1997)
We have previously shown that the 40-residue peptide termed amyloid β- protein (AβP[1-40]) in solution forms cation-selective channels across artificial phospholipid bilayer membranes. To determine whether AβP[1-40] also ...
Effect of glutamate receptor phosphorylation by endogenous protein kinases on electrical activity of isolated postsynaptic densities of rat cortex and hippocampus
(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 1997)
Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) were isolated from rat brain cortex and hippocampus, purified and incorporated into giant (5-80 μm in diameter) liposomes. Gigaohm seals were obtained with a patch-clamp pipette, and a giant ...