Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 210
Ethnopolitics: regulatory principles of ethno-separatism
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
El etnocacerismo como populismo radicalO etnocacerismo como populismo radicalThe ethno-cacerism as radical populism
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015)
Indigenous population in the cities: visibility and ethno-political organization in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina
(MedCrave Group, 2018-01)
In the last two decades, the indigenous population of Argentina configured spaces of participation and ethno-political organization. This process was accompanied by the legal recognition of the indigenous population in the ...
Ethnicities, ethno- territories and mining conflicts: contributions for a human geography of the Aymaras in Chile
This article analyzes the phenomenon of the Aymara ethnicity and the creation of ethno-territories in the context of mining conflicts and the indigenous neoliberal politic. The questions that guide this research are: How ...
Socio/Ethno-epidemiologies: proposals and possibilities from the Latin American production
(Routledge, 2017-09)
This article presents an approach to understanding health that acquires an original and autonomous development across different Latin American countries, despite being the result of reading and analysing national and ...
From Colonial Domination to the Making of the Nation: Ethno-Racial Categories in Censuses and Reports and their Political Uses in Belize, 19th-20th Centuries
(Institute of Caribbean Studies, College of Social Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, 2013)
Language explication of the conceptualized meanings in ethno-cultural and socio-political aspects of discourse
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)