Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
HPV and Genital Warts among Peruvian Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People: Knowledge, Attitudes and Treatment Experiences
(Public Library of Science, 2013)
Several studies have assessed the epidemiology of HPV infection among MSM, but no qualitative studies have specifically assessed how HPV and genital warts (GW) affect South American men who have sex with men (MSM) and ...
Language disloyalty in aymara native speakers of the department of law at “Universidad Pública de El Alto”
(Universidad Mayor de San Andres. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Carrera de Lingüística e Idiomas, 2015)
This research was developed in sociolinguistic field, more specifically in the study of language attitudes. Thus this study was conducted with University students of the School of Law at Universidad Pública de El Alto, ...
Chapter 7 Critical race theory matters in sport
"In the decade since Kevin Hylton’s seminal book ‘Race’ and Sport: Critical Race Theory was published, racialised issues have remained at the forefront of sport and leisure studies. In this important new book, Hylton draws ...
Percepción de los efectos psicológicos que las medidas privativas de libertad y el enfoque restaurativo del Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal generan en jóvenes wayuu
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Psicología JurídicaFacultad de Psicología, 2022-04-20)
The System of Criminal Responsibility for Adolescents (SRPA) is the entity in charge of the judgment and treatment of adolescent offenders of the law in Colombia, whose measures must be pedagogical, specific, and differentiated ...
Fatores associados a não realização do exame preventivo do câncer do colo do útero
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2011-12-10)
This is work from the reality experienced in everyday Petrolândia Health Unit, Municipality of Count / Minas Gerais. This study aimed to identify in national factors associated with not performing the cytopathology of the ...
Prevenção de câncer do colo do útero no município de Josenópolis/ MG: conhecendo estratégias para aumentar a adesão das mulheres
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2013-03-02)
Cancer of the cervix is the second most common tumor in the female population and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women in Brazil, representing a serious public health problem in developing countries. Currently, ...
The Aftermath Of A Rape Case: The Politics Of Migrants' Unequal Incorporation In Neoliberal Times
(Taylor and Francis, 2012)