Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 93
Understorey fire propagation and tree mortality on adjacent areas to an Amazonian deforestation fire
(CSIRO Publishing, 2010-01-01)
Fire characteristics in tropical ecosystems are poorly documented quantitatively in the literature. This paper describes an understorey fire propagating across the edges of a biomass burn of a cleared primary forest. The ...
Understorey fire propagation and tree mortality on adjacent areas to an Amazonian deforestation fire
(CSIRO Publishing, 2010-01-01)
Fire characteristics in tropical ecosystems are poorly documented quantitatively in the literature. This paper describes an understorey fire propagating across the edges of a biomass burn of a cleared primary forest. The ...
Understorey fire propagation and tree mortality on adjacent areas to an Amazonian deforestation fire
(CSIRO Publishing, 2014)
Análise comparativa das normas de segurança contra incêndio em edificação comercial na região sul
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Engenharia de Segurança do TrabalhoUTFPR, 2016-04-04)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the safety measures against fire comparing the laws of the Fire Department of the three states of the south of the country for a commercial building project. For the methodology of ...
The influence of the location of emergency exits over the distance to be covered to the exit of an environment
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2019)
Intercontinental Differences in the Abundance of Solenopsis Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Escape from Natural Enemies?
The absence of natural enemies often allows exotic pests to reach densities that are much higher than normally occur in their native habitats. When Solenopsis fire ants were introduced into the United States, their numerous ...
Intercontinental Differences in the Abundance of Solenopsis Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Escape from Natural Enemies?
The absence of natural enemies often allows exotic pests to reach densities that are much higher than normally occur in their native habitats. When Solenopsis fire ants were introduced into the United States, their numerous ...
Verificação de proteção contra incêndio em indústria de pequeno porte no estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilEngenharia de Segurança do TrabalhoUTFPR, 2017-07-13)
According to the Secretary of Public Security (SP), in 2016 occurred 3298 fires in Industries. These types of fires are caused by several factors, leading to risks to workers and causing property losses to employers. The ...
Análise da aplicação da norma de procedimento técnico n° 020 do corpo de bombeiros do estado do Paraná
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Engenharia de Segurança do TrabalhoUTFPR, 2016-05-18)
The high number of claims led government agencies to seek ways to prevent, especially the Fire Department in 2011, changed your security code that was established since 2001, creating "Security Code Fire and Panic" more ...