Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 146
Philosophy as a necessary mediation for the mission of the church: a basic intuition of the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
In this article, we analyze in what way philosophy, according to Pannenberg's proposition, has a mediating character for theology which, albeit provisional and incomplete, becomes necessary for the mission of the Church: ...
Which Strategies Should Be Implemented in Latin America to Eradicate Hepatitis C Virus by 2030?
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2019-03-04)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health concern with an estimated worldwide disease prevalence rate of 1%, meaning 71 million individuals are infected.1 In the United States, the estimated prevalence rate is ...
The Belize Medfly Programme: A case study on maintaining a medfly surveillance and erradication programme
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2011)
The present initiative consists of a Comprehensive National Surveillance program that deploys and services Medfly traps along designated trapping routes, a Medfly Eradication Action Plan that includes different measures ...
La justicia transicional en Colombia: ¿Un instrumento creado para erradicar la impunidad?Transitional Justice in Colombia: A Mechanism to Erradicate Impunity?A Justiça Transicional na Colômbia: Um Instrumento Criado para Erradicar a Impunidade?
(Universidad del Rosario; Editorial Tirant lo Blanch; Instituto Iberoamericano de la Haya, 2017)
The 12 November 2016 Final Agreement between the Colombian government andthe FARC-EP to put an end to the armed conflict in Colombia, raises a number ofissues on whether various aspects of the Agreement on Victims meet ...
Comunicación transmedia para la erradicación del hambre: ProjecteFAM, una estrategia transversalTransmedia Communication to Erradicate Hunger: ProjecteFAM, a Cross-Media StrategyComunicação transmídia para a erradicação da fome: ProjecteFAM, uma estratégia transversal
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017)
Projecte FAM (project FAMINE in Catalan) is the name of a living experience and ongoing research, innovation, testing and redefinition on the design of a strategy of political, social and cultural impact that uses communication ...
A dream to achieve: diabetes erradication in GuatemalaErradicación de diabetes en Guatemala: Un sueño posible
(Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 2015)