Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
A Maxwell-like formulation of gravitational theory in minkowski space-time
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LtdSingaporeSingapura, 2007)
On the Isometry Groups of Invariant Lorentzian Metrics on the Heisenberg Group
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2014-01)
This work concerns the invariant Lorentzian metrics on the Heisenberg Lie group of dimension three H3(R) and the bi-invariant metrics on the solvable Lie groups of dimension four. We start with the indecomposable Lie groups ...
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2012)
Representación espinorial de superficies lorentzianas en R2,2
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2016-08)
The study object of the thesis is the spinor representation of a Lorentzian surface in the pseudo Euclidean space R2; 2: We prove that an isometric immersion of a simply connected Lorentzian surface in R2; 2 is equivalent ...
To the sphere and back again: De Sitter infrared correlators at NTLO in 1/N
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2019-08-08)
We analyze the infrared behavior of the two and four-point functions for the massless O(N) model in Lorentzian de Sitter spacetime, using the 1/N expansion. Our approach is based in the study of the Schwinger-Dyson equations ...
Higher spin fluctuations on spinless 4D BTZ black hole
We construct linearized solutions to Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher spin gravity on warped AdS(3) x(xi)S(1) which is an Sp(2) x U(1) invariant non-rotating BTZ-like black hole with R-2 x T-2 topology. The background ...
Opacity from Loops in AdS
We investigate how quantum dynamics affects the propagation of a scalar field in Lorentzian AdS. We work in momentum space, in which the propagator admits two spectral representations (denoted “conformal” and “momentum”) ...
Loop quantization of a model for D = 1 + 2 (anti)de sitter gravity coupled to topological matter
(Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2019)
Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields on Riemann-Cartan manifolds
(Springer/plenum PublishersNew YorkEUA, 1996)