Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 186
Energy sector and water resources management in the new Brazilian private energy market
(Int Water Resources AssocCarbondaleEUA, 2003)
Latin American electricity markets and renewable energy sources: The Argentinean and Chilean cases
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-06)
From the mid eighties on, most of Latin American Countries reformed their energy systems. The impact of these reforms over electricity markets was different in each case. However, in the majority of these cases there was ...
Deregulation of energy metabolism as a cause and consequence of oncogenic process: review of literature
The reprogramming of energy metabolism is an emerging hallmark of cancer that has not yet been demonstrated in all tumor models, and there are aspects which still not entirely clear. This review enrolled and analyzed data ...
Optimizing natural gas supply and energy portfolios of a generation company
(IEEE, 2010)
In a deregulated electricity market environment, a natural gas-fired generation company must manage its natural gas supply and construct energy portfolios by engaging in contracts to buy natural gas and generate electricity. ...
Electric sector deregulation and restructuring in Latin America: lessons to be learnt and possible ways forward
The pioneering restructuring and deregulation process of the electricity industry, which started in Latin America as early as 1982, is assessed. Chile and Argentina, among others, have been at the forefront of innovation ...
Description of Scenarios for the Commercialization of Electrical Energy for Residential Users in Colombia within an Environment of Complete DeregulationDescripción de escenarios para la comercialización del servicio de energía eléctrica en el sector residencial de Colombia en un entorno de desregulación completa
(Institución Unversitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano, 2015)