Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 653
Embedment strength of dowels in wood specimens according to ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) and EUROCODE 5 (2004)
(Fundação Gorceix, 2017-03-01)
Abstract The study of connections for timber structures has been the subject of intense research in Brazil. This work aimed to study the embedment strength of connections made by steel pins (dowels) in specimens of reforested ...
Embedment strength of Pinus sp. wood to metal pins
To know the physical and mechanical properties of wood to be employed as structural elements in is an important factor for its use in a rational way. The connections between members of timber structures are also relevant ...
Comparação entre valores de ensaios experimentais e calculados da resistência ao embutimento da madeira de Pinus taeda L.
(Univ Federal Vicosa, 2014-03-01)
To design connections between timber parts with metal dowels (nails or bolts), two phenomena must be considered: bending of the metal dowel and the embedment strength in the wood. The Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997 ...
Comparação entre valores de ensaios experimentais e calculados da resistência ao embutimento da madeira de Pinus taeda L.
To design connections between timber parts with metal dowels (nails or bolts), two phenomena must be considered: bending of the metal dowel and the embedment strength in the wood. The Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997 ...
Embedding strength of Brazilian woods and recommendation for the Brazilian standard
The design of dowelled connections for timber structures based on the Brazilian standard NBR 7190 results in an excessive number of fasteners due to the low value obtained for the wood embedding strength when using the ...
Comparação das resistências ao embutimento paralelo às fibras de madeiras de pínus oocarpa, cumaru e pínus taeda
(Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído - ANTAC, 2014-09)
The Brazilian standard NBR 7190-1997 provides guidelines for embedment strength determination on timber structures for metal dowels fastenings using laboratory tests or, in their absence, prescribes procedures to estimate ...