Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2753
The influence of temperature seasonality on elevational range size across latitude: a test using Liolaemus lizards
(Wiley, 2015-06)
Identifying factors that limit species distributions is a fundamental question in ecology with implications for understanding global biodiversity patterns and species responses to environmental change. Theory suggests ...
Body size and host range co-determine the altitudinal distribution of Neotropical tephritid flies
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2007)
The upper range limit of alien plants is not in equilibrium with climate in the Andes of central Chile
(MDPI, 2022)
Alien plant species are colonizing high-elevation areas along roadsides. In this study, we evaluated whether the distributions of alien plants in the central Chilean mountains have reached climatic equilibrium (i.e., upper ...
Genetic diversity and gene flow decline with elevation in montane mayflies
(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-08-01)
Montane environments around the globe are biodiversity 'hotspots' and important reservoirs of genetic diversity. Montane species are also typically more vulnerable to environmental change than their low-elevation counterparts ...
Elevation does not strongly influence interspecific variation in body size of small Tropical endotherms
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)
Tropical mountains as natural laboratories to study global changes: A long-term ecological research project in a megadiverse biodiversity hotspot
Campo rupestre is a megadiverse vegetation mosaic dominating one of the world's geologically oldest tropical mountains. The campo rupestre hosts nearly 15% of Brazil's flora, with 40% of endemism in an area smaller than ...
Functional role of long-lived flowers in preventing pollen limitation in a high elevation outcrossing species
(Oxford university press, 2017)
Low pollinator visitation in harsh environments may lead to pollen limitation which can threaten population persistence. Consequently, avoidance of pollen limitation is expected in outcrossing species subjected to habitually ...
The effect of anthropic pressures and elevation on the large and medium-sized terrestrial mammals of the subtropical mountain forests (Yungas) of NW Argentina
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2013-01)
We conducted a 55-day long camera-trap survey in the Yungas subtropical forest in NW Argentina, to assess the effect of human accessibility, conservation status of the area, domestic animals and elevation on the diversity ...
Environmental and genetic control of insect abundance and herbivory along a forest elevational gradient
(Springer, 2011-04)
Environmental conditions and plant genotype may influence insect herbivory along elevational gradients. Plant damage would decrease with elevation as temperature declines to suboptimal levels for insects. However, host ...