Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2757
Solid-phase peptide synthesis at elevated temperatures: a search for an optimized synthesis condition of unsulfated cholecystokinin-12
(Munksgaard Int Publ Ltd, 1997-08-01)
A systematic investigation of solid-phase peptide synthesis at elevated temperatures using the well-known aggregating peptide acyl carrier protein (65-74) and the unsulfated cholecystokinin-8 as models is presented. The ...
Leaf temperature of soybean grown under elevated CO2 increases Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae) population growth
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2011-08)
Abstract Plants grown under elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) experience physiological changes that influence their suitability as food for insects. To determine the effects of living on soybean (Glycine max Linnaeus) grown ...
Elevated temperature and water stress accelerate mesocarp cell death and shrivelling, and decouple sensory traits in Shiraz berries
Both water deficit and elevated temperature are likely to accelerate shrivelling in Shiraz berries with consequences for fruit yield and quality. The process of shrivelling is partially related to mesocarp cell death and ...
Channel connections resistance at elevated temperatures
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Minas., 2015-09-01)
In this paper the thermal analysis of the push out test of steel – concrete channel connections at elevated temperatures is carried out. The study takes into account numeric results generated by the program SuperTempcalc ...
Comparison of 2 protocols to increase circulating progesterone concentration before timed artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows with or without elevated body temperature
Two treatments designed to increase circulating progesterone concentration (P4) during preovulatory follicle development were compared. One treatment used 2 intravaginal P4 implants (controlled internal drug-releasing ...
Environmental and genetic control of insect abundance and herbivory along a forest elevational gradient
(Springer, 2011-04)
Environmental conditions and plant genotype may influence insect herbivory along elevational gradients. Plant damage would decrease with elevation as temperature declines to suboptimal levels for insects. However, host ...
Topoclimatic modeling for minimum temperature prediction at a regional scale in the Central Valley of Chile
(EDP Sciences, 1997)
Spring frost may strongly affect fruit production in the Central Valley of Chile. Minimum temperatures are spatially variable owing to topography and soil conditions. A methodology for forecasting minimum temperature at a ...
The influence of temperature seasonality on elevational range size across latitude: a test using Liolaemus lizards
(Wiley, 2015-06)
Identifying factors that limit species distributions is a fundamental question in ecology with implications for understanding global biodiversity patterns and species responses to environmental change. Theory suggests ...