Now showing items 1-10 of 19222
Placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation in electric power systems
This paper presents a methodology for the placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation (DG) in electric power systems. The candidate locations for DG placement are identified on the bases of Locational Marginal ...
Network reconfiguration and loss allocation in a deregulated environment of distribution systems
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality ...
Placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation in electric power systems
This paper presents a methodology for the placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation (DG) in electric power systems. The candidate locations for DG placement are identified on the bases of Locational Marginal ...
Comparison of algorithms for loss allocation in transmission networks considering power redispatch
An analysis of the performances of three important methods for generators and loads loss allocation is presented. The discussed methods are: based on pro-rata technique; based on the incremental technique; and based on ...
Comparison of algorithms for loss allocation in transmission networks considering power redispatch
An analysis of the performances of three important methods for generators and loads loss allocation is presented. The discussed methods are: based on pro-rata technique; based on the incremental technique; and based on ...
Network reconfiguration and loss allocation in a deregulated environment of distribution systems
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality ...
Evaluation of a multiobjective performance index for distribution systems with distributed generation
Here a multiobjective performance index for distribution systems with distributed generation based on a steady-state analysis of the network is proposed. This index quantifies the distributed generation impact on total ...