Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 83
Some limitations for the applicability of the ray method in elastodynamics
(Revista Brasileira de Geof??sica, 1997)
Numerical evaluation of integrals involving the product of two Bessel functions and a rational fraction arising in some elastodynamic problems
(Elsevier Science, 2017-03)
This paper presents numerical techniques for evaluating integrals of the form ∫0 ∞ dk. These integrals arise during the application of the Hankel transform to pass the displacements of a layered soil profile from the wave ...
Some limitations for the applicability of the ray method in elastodynamics
(Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 1997)
The ray method in the frequency domain describes the asymptotic behavior of the wave field for large frequencies which is not, in general, uniform with respect to the distance between the source and the point of observation. ...
Transient wave propagation phenomena at visco-elastic half-spaces under distributed surface loadings
(Latin Amer J Solids StructuresSao PauloBrasil, 2012)
Exact elastodynamic Green functions for simple types of anisotropy derived from higher-order ray theory
Using higher-order ray theory, we derived exact elastodynamic Green functions for three simple types of homogeneous anisotropy. The first type displays an orthorhombic symmetry, the other two types display transverse ...
An a posteriori error estimator for a non-conforming domain decomposition method for a harmonic elastodynamics equation
(Global Science Press, 2018)
We develop a reliable residual-based a posteriori error estimator for a nonconforming method with non-matching meshes for a harmonic elastodynamics equation and show that the approximation method converges with an optimal ...
Cell-based maximum entropy approximants for three-dimensional domains: Application in large strain elastodynamics using the meshless total Lagrangian explicit dynamics method
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019-09)
We present the cell-based maximum entropy (CME) approximants in E3 space by constructing the smooth approximation distance function to polyhedral surfaces. CME is a meshfree approximation method combining the properties ...
Pohozhaev and Morawetz Identities in Elastostatics and Elastodynamics
(Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst MathKyiv 4Ucrânia, 2011)