Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 797
Vulnerability Factors in the Middle Class: Evidence for Argentina and Mexico after the Crisis of the 1990s
(El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C., 2012)
A EJA na rede municipal de Sapucaia do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2016-07-08)
The objective of this article is to deepen knowledge about the reality of students
that attend the Education for Young and Adults Students of the network education of
Sapucaia do Sul City. Also to contribute about some ...
Socio economic student's profile that access to higher education in Chile (1990-2003)PERFIL SOCIOECONÓMICO DEL ESTUDIANTADO QUE ACCEDE A LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN CHILE (1990-2003)
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Association between education and blood lipid levels as income increases over a decade: a cohort study
(BIOMED Central Ltd., 2018)
Background: Cardiovascular risk factors have increased along with economic development, but it is not clear if this tendency differs by education. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of education on blood lipid ...
Are school vouchers associated with equity in education?
(OECD, 2012-09)
Privately managed schools tend to attract more advantaged student populations; but the difference between the socio-economic profiles of public and private schools is narrowed when privately managed schools receive higher ...
Are school vouchers associated with equity in education?
(OECD, 2012-09)
Privately managed schools tend to attract more advantaged student populations; but the difference between the socio-economic profiles of public and private schools is narrowed when privately managed schools receive higher ...
Socio-economic and geographic profiling of crime in Chile
Many empirical studies of crime assume that victims andperpetrators live in a single geographical unit, the implication being thatthe socio-economic characteristics of victims' places of residence canbe treated as determinants ...
Business investment in education in emerging markets since the 1960s
This article examines non-profit investments by business in education in emerging markets between the 1960s and the present day. Using a sample of 110 interviews with business leaders from a recently developed oral history ...
La importancia de la educación en el desarrolloLa teoría del capital humano y el perfil edad - ingresos por nivel educativo en Viedma y Carmen de Patagones, ArgentinaThe importance of education in development: The human capital theory and the age profile - income by education level in Viedma and Carmen de Patagones, Argentina
(Pilquen - Sección Ciencias Sociales, 2010)
Socio economic student's profile that access to higher education in Chile (1990-2003)PERFIL SOCIOECONÓMICO DEL ESTUDIANTADO QUE ACCEDE A LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN CHILE (1990-2003)
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)