Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 265
Pointwise convergence to the initial data for nonlocal dyadic diffusions
(Springer Heidelberg, 2016-03)
In this paper we solve the initial value problem for the diffusion induced by dyadic fractional derivative s in R +. First we obtain the spectral analysis of the dyadic fractional derivative operator in terms of the Haar ...
Correlations between Subjective Well-being, Dyadic Adjustment and Marital Satisfaction in Brazilian Married People
This study aimed to investigate the relationships between the constructs subjective well-being (SWB), dyadic adjustment (DA) and marital satisfaction (MS). Participants were 106 married Brazilians, of both sexes, with a ...
The Dyadic Fractional Diffusion Kernel as a Central Limit
(Springer Heidelberg, 2019-03)
We obtain the fundamental solution kernel of dyadic diffusions in ℝ + as a central limit of dyadic mollification of iterations of stable Markov kernels. The main tool is provided by the substitution of classical Fourier ...
Dyadic nonlocal diffusion in metric measure spaces
(De Gruyter, 2015-06)
In this paper we solve the initial value problem for the nonlocal diffusion generated by the space fractional derivative induced by the dyadic tilings of M. Christ on a space of homogeneous type. We consider the problems ...
On fractional uncertainty: a dyadic approach
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019-06)
The use of Haar wavelet analysis, instead of classical trigonometric analysis, provides inequalities which can be regarded as Heisenberg-type inequalities associated to fractional order quantum mechanics. The aim of this ...
High-order Adaptive Finite-volume Schemes In The Context Of Multiresolution Analysis For Dyadic Grids
(Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, 2016)
Ajustamento diádico e satisfação conjugal: correlações entre os domínios de duas escalas de avaliação da conjugalidade
(Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011)
As noções de ajustamento diádico e satisfação conjugal vêm sendo abordadas na literatura científica de modo indiscriminado, que não leva em consideração as especificidades desses construtos, embora ambas avaliem domínios ...
Ajuste diádico y soledad en parejas adultas limeñasDyadic adjustment and loneliness adult couples in Lima
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021)