Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1126
The professional exposure of dental surgeons to mercury has attracted a great deal of attention from governmental organs and institutions in different countries. Considering that the normal ratio is 10 μg/1000 ml of urine, ...
It's the phone, stupid: mobiles and murder
(National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019)
US homicide rates fell sharply in the early 1990s, a decade that also saw the mainstreaming of cell phones – a concurrence that may be more than a coincidence, we propose. Cell phones may have undercut turf-based street ...
Smuggling, local drug dealing and sexual exploitation in Pereira, ColombiaContrabando, narcomenudeo y explotación sexual en Pereira, Colombia
(Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 2017)
Da droga ao tóxico: subversão do sujeito no percurso do internamento voluntário
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-07-05)
In this research, drug addiction is not synonymous with the dependence on a psychoactive substance, but it is understood as an intense and exclusive relationship in which drug use is also established as a function in mental ...
Da droga ao tóxico: subversão do sujeito no percurso do internamento voluntário
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-07-05)
In this research, drug addiction is not synonymous with the dependence on a psychoactive substance, but it is understood as an intense and exclusive relationship in which drug use is also established as a function in mental ...
The professional exposure of dental surgeons to mercury has attracted a great deal of attention from governmental organs and institutions in different countries. Considering that the normal ratio is 10 μg/1000 ml of urine, ...
The risk of being a drug-dealer: the involvement of university students in the retail drug-dealing of marijuana in Lima MetropolitanaEl riesgo de ser un dealer: el involucramiento de jóvenes universitarios en el microcomercio de marihuana en Lima Metropolitana
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016)