Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 506
A survey of domestic food handling practices
A survey of domestic food handling practices
A survey of domestic food handling practices
How people domesticated Amazonian forests
For millennia, Amazonian peoples have managed forest resources, modifying the natural environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking near archaeological sites, yet we still lack ...
Food consumption and food waste behaviour in households in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
(EmeraldGB, 2022)
Purpose: This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: Exploratory research was carried out with ...
Eating on food trucks: a study in light of practice theory: Comer em food trucks à luz da Teoria das PráticasComer em food trucks à luz da Teoria das Práticas: Eating on food trucks: a study in light of practice theory
(Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ), 2017)
Domesticate globalisation: Food and culture in the urbanisation of a rural area in MexicoDomesticar la globalización: alimentación y cultura en la urbanizaciónde una zona rural en México
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2017)
Observations on the food habits of some African rodentsObservations on the food habits of some African rodents
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016)
Development and validation of a scale for identification of quality attributes of agri-food products in short chains
The quality of the agri-food product, as well as the attributes that define it, has been developed for decades, where discussions around the theme turned to questions related to the standardization of attributes. It should ...
Domesticar la globalización: alimentación y cultura en la urbanizaciónde una zona rural en MéxicoDomesticate globalisation: Food and culture in the urbanisation of a rural area in Mexico
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2017)