Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8930
Technical and documentary language by Brazilian Eduardo Coutinho
(Laboratorio Tecnologias Informacion & Nuevos Analisis Comunicacion Social, 2015-01-01)
1. Introduction. Eduardo Coutinho represents the development and innovation of the Brazilian documentary. His career is still marked by a novel technique of interviews with participants also mix documentary with other ...
A influência da Jean-Claude Gardin e a linha francesa na evolução do conceito de linguagem documentária
Bibliographic review study on the evolution of Documentary Languages and its field of study, the documentary linguistics. Based upon the researches developed by the french approach in Europe notably by jean-claude gardin ...
Video-activism and the citizenship documentary image
(Centro Int Estudios Superiores Comunicacion Amer Latina-ciespal, 2015-04-01)
Understanding the contemporary media ecology is a challenge for researches in the communication. In this complex communication diversity, the video-activism and the popular documentary film stand out for the capacity of ...
Spectral remains: residual materialities and representation of the territory in Latin American documentaries
Garbage -thought as something to be eliminated and rejected- is originally contrary to any notion of merchandise, since it has neither use value nor exchange value. However, from the 20th century on, for reasons both ...
William Hinton. Fanshen : a documentary of revolution in a Chinese Village. Nueva York : Monthly Review Press, 1967. xvii, 637 p.
(El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Orientales, 2012)
Documentary production in dossier of CLT workers: documentary typology as a referentialProdução documental em dossiê de celetistas: a tipologia documental como referencial
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (Porto Alegre/RS), 2019)
Humanitarian operations in Brazil: a review of natural disasters in the last decade
This research used documentary analysis to identify the main natural disasters in Brazil in the last decade (2003 to 2013). Results provided evidence that operations and impacts differ in sudden-onset and slow-onset disasters ...
Preschool in Rural Context: A Documentary Review of Public Policies in Chile