Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 79
Política de dividendos e tributação no Brasil
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2006-08-30)
This research had the objective to examine what is the influence of tributary legislation changes in Brazilian companies dividends politics, testing Fiscal Preference Theory influence on dividends politics of companies ...
Política de dividendos e tributação no Brasil
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2006-08-30)
This research had the objective to examine what is the influence of tributary legislation changes in Brazilian companies dividends politics, testing Fiscal Preference Theory influence on dividends politics of companies ...
Legal Aspects of Dividend Payment in a Limited Liability Company
(Universidad del Zulia, 2021)
Política de distribuição de proventos e tributação
As alterações da legislação tributária em meados da década de 1990 trouxeram algumas medidas de incentivo à retomada da economia brasileira, como a isenção tributária dos dividendos pagos por empresas e a instituição do ...
How the brazilian football thanks the who drives it and vice versa
(Inst Brasileiro Pesquisa & Ensino Fisiologia Exercicio-ibpefex, 2020-01-01)
Football is a blessing. Not so much for those who practice it professionally, but for those who extracted personal, political, and economic promotion from those who promoted their companies and brands, those who obtained ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias Humanas & Sociais, 2020-07-01)
It is necessary to understand how the appropriation of soccer has been processed among those who have transformed it in a way to meet personal, familiar, and group goals. We cannot deny that, particularly in Brazil, the ...
Qual a influência da política de dividendos brasileira na capacidade das empresas LTDA de captarem recursos para investimento próprio?
Este estudo pretende inferir sobre a influência que a política tributária brasileira de dividendos exerce, quando prevê a isenção do imposto, na capacidade das empresas de angariarem recursos através do investimento direto, ...
Poverty-environment dividends of rural community enterprises: insights from a cross-sectoral study in Latin America and the Caribbean
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2010-03)
Over the past years, the development of rural community enterprises (RCE) has been advocated as a means to achieve the dual goal of poverty reduction and environmental conservation. However, there is little scientific ...
Efectos de las políticas y prácticas de gobierno corporativo sobre la estructura de propiedad: evidencia de compañías chilenas
(Universidad Católica de Colombia. Facultad de Economía, 2018-12)
We analyze the effects of financing policies, dividends, and corporate governance on ownership structure in Chilean companies. We used a sample of 185 companies listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange that answered the NCG ...