Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 167
Noether Symmetries and Critical Exponents
(Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst MathKyiv 4Ucrânia, 2005)
Divergence symmetries of semilinear polyharmonic equations involving critical nonlinearities
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2006)
Symmetry-preserving contact interaction model for heavy-light mesons
(Amer Inst Physics, 2016-01-01)
We use a symmetry-preserving regularization method of ultraviolet divergences in a vector-vector contact interaction model for low-energy QCD. The contact interaction is a representation of nonperturbative kernels used ...
No radiative generation of Chern-Simons-like term in Lorentz-violating QED: dealing with IR divergences
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018)
Divergence Symmetries of Critical Kohn-Laplace Equations on Heisenberg Groups
(Maik Nauka/interperiodica/springerNew YorkEUA, 2011)
Ambiguities and symmetry relations associated with fermionic tensor densities
We consider the consistent evaluation of perturbative (divergent) Green functions associated with fermionic tensor densities and the derivation of symmetry relations for them. We show that, in spite of current algebra ...
Loop corrected soft photon theorem as a Ward identity
(Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), 2019)
Recently Sahoo and Sen obtained a series of remarkable results concerning subleading soft photon and graviton theorems in four dimensions. Even though the S-matrix is infrared divergent, they have shown that the subleading ...
On the exactness of soft theorems
Soft behaviours of S-matrix for massless theories reflect the underlying symmetry principle that enforces its masslessness. As an expansion in soft momenta, sub-leading soft theorems can arise either due to (I) unique ...
Renormalized new solutions for the massless Thirring model
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2005-12-10)
We present a nonperturbative study of the (1 + 1)-dimensional massless Thirring model by using path integral methods. The regularization ambiguities - coming from the computation of the fermionic determinant - allow to ...
Renormalized new solutions for the massless Thirring model
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2005-12-10)
We present a nonperturbative study of the (1 + 1)-dimensional massless Thirring model by using path integral methods. The regularization ambiguities - coming from the computation of the fermionic determinant - allow to ...