Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 510
Variable retention harvesting influences biotic and abiotic drivers of regeneration in Nothofagus pumilio southern Patagonian forests
(Elsevier Science, 2013-01)
Understanding regeneration processes is important for implementing new silvicultural treatments that rely on natural regeneration from seed. Nevertheless, integrated, flower-to-sapling studies of the regeneration cycle ...
Forest management with variable retention impact over bryophyte communities of Nothofagus pumilio understory
(Schaper, 2008-12)
Bryophyte communities are an essential component of the understory in temperate forest, but few works analyze their potential as habitat indicators. Bryophytes, as the other plant species and wildlife, were significantly ...
Timber management with variable retention in Nothofagus pumilio forests of Southern Patagonia
(Elsevier Science, 2009-01)
Forestry practices integrating ecological and social criteria have been replacing those based only on economic values. Traditional silviculture, such as shelterwood cuts (SC), transforms uneven-aged original stands to an ...
Decreasing negative impacts of harvesting over insect communities using variable retention in southern Patagonian forests
(Springer, 2014-06)
Variable retention is an alternative silvicultural approach to timber forest management, which consist in a regeneration treatment with different degrees and patterns of stand retention. It has been proposed to mitigate ...
Suitable conditions for natural regeneration in variable retention harvesting of southern Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests
(Springer Verlag, 2019)
Background: Variable retention (aggregated and dispersed retention) harvesting proposed for Nothofagus pumilio was designed for timber purposes and biodiversity conservation. Harvesting by opening canopy generates different ...
Variable retention forestry conserves habitat of bird species in Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests
("Marin Drăcea" National Research-Development Institute in Forestry, 2018-12)
Variable retention is an alternative harvesting system that could be implemented instead the more traditional ones (e.g. shelterwood cut for N. pumilio forests in southern Patagonia), because it was designed not only for ...
Alternative silvicultural practices with variable retention to improve understory plant diversity conservation in southern Patagonian forests
(Elsevier Science, 2011-10)
Understory plants could can act as indicators of temperate forest sustainability, health and conservation status due to their importance in ecosystem function. Harvesting impacts on understory plant diversity depends on ...