Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 219
Mass cultural communication. The case of the Cervantes Institute and its digital diplomacy through Twitter
The Cervantes Institute and its branches abroad have become a powerful tool of cultural diplomacy and representation of Brand Spain across the world. Founded in ‘90s, the institution has developed many online communication ...
Science Diplomacy and U.S.-Cuban Relations
(World Policy Institute, 2016-07)
How did Cuba and the United States change their mutual perceptions after decades of confrontation? An obvious explanation is that conditions were ripe for the thaw. But despite the leading role played by presidents, ...
Diplomacia digital, un nuevo modelo de acción exterior: Estudio de caso Colombia
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Negocios InternacionalesFacultad de Negocios Internacionales, 2021-04-13)
Digital diplomacy was born as a foreign policy tool transforming the traditional way that we knew until then. In a matter of years and as a new model, new digital tools have been key points to further contribute to the ...
Digital silk road in the context of the people’s Republic of China
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
La contribución del turismo a la imagen país de Chile a través de la diplomacia pública y campañas de promoción. Estudio de caso de Sernatur 2017 y 2021
(Universidad de Chile, 2021-07-21)
La presente investigación enfocada en Chile y su oficina de promoción turística, aborda el turismo como herramienta de diplomacia pública y construcción de marca e imagen país, a través de sus acciones y estrategia de ...
Twitter como herramienta de paradiplomacia: un estudio cuantitativo exploratorio basado en los casos de Quebec y Cataluña
(Universidad de Chile, 2017-10-13)
Esta investigación cuantitativa exploratoria indagó en el campo de la paradiplomacia, a partir de la Teoría del Constructivismo Social, el fenómeno de la Nueva Diplomacia Pública, y en particular el uso de las plataformas ...
#HumanRights: Digital Diplomacy for Human Rights Advancement#DireitosHumanos: Diplomacia Digital para o Avanço dos Direitos Humanos
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilRelações Internacionais, 2019)
A diplomacia pública brasileira em 280 caracteres : o uso do Twitter durante as gestões Temer e Bolsonaro (2018-2019)
(DRI - Departamento de Relações InternacionaisUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2022)
The necessity of diplomacy in brain health
(Elsevier Science Inc., 2020-12)
Maintaining brain health is arguably one of the greatest global health challenges of the 21st century, as few other issues will have a similar effect on humanity. Given the breadth of factors affecting brain health, we ...