Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22774
Effective differential Nullstellensatz for ordinary DAE systems with constant coefficients
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014-10)
We give upper bounds for the differential Nullstellensatz in the case of ordinary systems of differential algebraic equations over any field of constants K of characteristic 0. Let x be a set of n differential variables, ...
Effective potential for non-coupled stochastic partial differential equations
(Facultad Experimental de Ciencias de la Universidad del Zulia, 2010)
Quantitative aspects of the generalized differential Lüroth's Theorem
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-08-01)
Let F be a differential field of characteristic 0, t=t1,…,tm a finite set of differential indeterminates over F and G⊂F〈t〉 a differential field extension of F, generated by nonconstant rational functions α1,…,αn of total ...
Effects of thermal treatment on phase transitions and on the mechanical relaxation in poly(vinylidene fluoride)
This work reports on the effects from thermal treatment in poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, obtained with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic thermal analysis (DMA) measurements. It is shown that in successive ...
Effects of thermal treatment on phase transitions and on the mechanical relaxation in poly(vinylidene fluoride)
This work reports on the effects from thermal treatment in poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, obtained with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic thermal analysis (DMA) measurements. It is shown that in successive ...
Differential effects of neuromuscular blockers on twitches and tetani in the isolated rat muscle: a multiple comparison study using simultaneous confidence intervals
In the present work a comparative quantitative evaluation of the differential effects of neuromuscular blockers on twitches and tetani was performed, encompassing: atracurium, cisatracurium, mivacurium, pancuronium, ...
Lipschitz stability of generalized ordinary differential equations and impulsive retarded differential equations
We consider a class of retarded functional differential equations with preas-signed moments of impulsive effect and we study the Lipschitz stability of solutions of these equations using the theory of generalized ordinary ...
Effective differential Lüroth's theorem
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014-05)
This paper focuses on effectivity aspects of the Lüroth's theorem in differential fields. Let F be an ordinary differential field of characteristic 0 and F〈u〉 be the field of differential rational functions generated by a ...
Roles of Hedgehog signaling pathway in adipogenic differentiation potential of porcine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
(Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2023)
On welfare effects of horizontal mergers with product differentiation
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2011-06-30)
We use a non-spatial (Chamberlinian) product differentiation model to analyze the welfare effects of horizontal mergers with quantity competition. We argue that (i) mergers can be welfare enhancing if the degree of product ...