Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 664
Partilha de Recursos Alimentares em Peixes em um Riacho de Serra do Sudeste do Brasil
We studied the diet and food resources partitioning by fishes from the Itaúna stream, municipality of Itatinga, Southeastern Brazil. Eighteen species of fish were collected, being Microlepidogaster sp., Hypostomus sp., ...
Partilha de Recursos Alimentares em Peixes em um Riacho de Serra do Sudeste do Brasil
We studied the diet and food resources partitioning by fishes from the Itaúna stream, municipality of Itatinga, Southeastern Brazil. Eighteen species of fish were collected, being Microlepidogaster sp., Hypostomus sp., ...
Trophic niche overlap among scavengers in Patagonia supports the condor-vulture competition hypothesis
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-11-16)
Animals that share resources tend to use different foraging strategies in order to decrease potential competition. Scavenging birds using the same nutritional resources can segregate into different space and time scales. ...
Diet overlap among top predators at the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
(Springer, 2019-02)
In order to understand interspecific trophic relationships between top predators, we analyzed diet information for nine bird and two seal species collected in the austral summer from 1996 to 2000 at South Orkney Islands. ...
Seasonal variation in the diet of two predators in an agroecosystem in southern-central Chile
Description of the digestive tract and feeding habits of the king algelfish and the cortes angelfish
(Journal of Fish Biology, 1996)
Morphologically, the digestive tracts of the king angelfish Holacunthus passer and the Cortes angelfish Pomacanthus zonipectus are similar, yet the king angelfish intestine is almost 30% longer than that of the Cortes ...
Trophic ecology of large pelagic fish in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, Brazil
Trophic relationships of large pelagic predators can determine the structure and dynamics of oceanic food webs. The feeding habits and trophic ecology of five large pelagic fish (Acanthocybium solandri, Coryphaena hippurus, ...