Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Percutaneous radiofrequency sacral rhizotomy in the treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity in spinal cord injured patients
(Ene Ediciones SlMadridEspanha, 2011)
Urinary dysfunction with detrusor hyperactivity in women with Parkinson's disease cannot be blamed as a factor of worsening motor performanceDisfuncao urinaria com hiperatividade detrusora nao e fator de risco para progressao do desempenho motor em mulheres com doenca de Parkinson
(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 2013)
The cause of urinary symptoms among Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HLTV-I) infected patients: a cross sectional study
(Brasil, 2007)
Background: HTLV-I infected patients often complain of urinary symptomatology. Epidemiological studies have suggested that these individuals have a higher prevalence and incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) than ...