Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Dispersion of seeds at night and day in sub-Andean forests, Cueva Los Guacharos Park, Colombia
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
A question of size and fear: Competition and predation risk perception among frugivores and predators
Mammalian spatial and temporal activity patterns can vary depending on foraging behavior or the perception of predation or competition risk among species. These behaviors may in turn be altered by human influences such as ...
Impact of wild boars on the feeding behavior of smaller frugivorous mammals
We examined the interspecific relationships among wild boars, raccoon dogs, and badgers with regard to the consumption of fallen fruits to assess how the presence of the largest mammal, the boar, affects the frugivory ...
Metabolic Adaptations In Frugivorous Bats
(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011)
Indirect assessment of seed dispersal effectiveness for Solanum riparium (Solanaceae) based on habitat use and rate of fruit disappearanceEvaluación indirecta de la efectividad de la dispersión de semillas de Solanum riparium (Solanaceae) en base al uso del hábitat y tasa de desaparición de frutos
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2016-12)
La habilidad del propágulo de una planta para alcanzar un sitio con las condiciones adecuadas para la germinación de la semilla y el establecimiento del renoval tendrá un efecto directo en la aptitud (“fitness”) de la ...
A diversidade e estrutura de assembleias de morcegos (Chiroptera) na Caatinga do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ECOLOGIA, 2020-03-05)
In the Caatinga dry forest, the spatial heterogeneity of the different ecoregions and phytophysiognomies,
as well as the seasonality of rainfall and the pulses of food resources, were attributed as key factors in
controlling ...