Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 537
Abdominal and thoracic wall closure: damage control surgery's cinderella
Damage control surgery principles allow delayed management of traumatic lesions and early metabolic resuscitation by performing abbreviated procedures and prompt resuscitation maneuvers in severely injured trauma patients. ...
Efectividad de la cirugía de control de daños versus cirugía convencional en pacientes con trauma abdominal grave hospital de especialidades Abel Gilbert PontónEffectiveness of damage control surgery versus conventional surgery in patients with severe abdominal trauma in Abel Gilbert Pontón specialty hospital
(Editorial Ciencia digital Registrada en la Cámara Ecuatoriana del Libro No Afiliación 663 (Editor DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López. PhD.), 2022)
Floating stoma: An alternative strategy in the context of damage control surgery
(Elsevier Masson SAS, 2016)
Time response of rat testicular alterations induced by cryptorchidism and orchiopexy
Cryptorchidism is one of the main risk factors for infertility and testicular cancer. Orchiopexy surgery corrects cryptorchidism effects. Different models of cryptorchidism developed in the rat include surgery. We assessed ...
Evaluation of DNA damage and lipoperoxidation of propofol in patients undergoing elective surgery
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009-08-01)
Background and objectives Inhaled anaesthetics have been studied regarding their genotoxic and mutagenic potential in vivo. Propofol differs from volatile anaesthetics because it does not show mutagenic effects and it has ...
Evaluation of DNA damage and lipoperoxidation of propofol in patients undergoing elective surgery
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009-08-01)
Background and objectives Inhaled anaesthetics have been studied regarding their genotoxic and mutagenic potential in vivo. Propofol differs from volatile anaesthetics because it does not show mutagenic effects and it has ...
Evaluation of DNA damage and lipoperoxidation of propofol in patients undergoing elective surgery
(European Journal Of Anaesthesiology, 2009)
Inhaled anaesthetics have been studied regarding their genotoxic and mutagenic potential in vivo. Propofol differs from volatile anaesthetics because it does not show mutagenic effects and it has been reported to be an ...
Liver traumaTraumatismo hepático
(Instituto de Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Austral de Chile y el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Clínico Regional de Valdivia, 2018)
Cirugía de control de daños. Enfrentamiento actual del trauma
(Instituto de Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Austral de Chile y el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Clínico Regional de Valdivia, 2018)