Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
Cumulative Frequency Curves
(Wolfram, 2016)
Cumulative Frequency Curves
(Wolfram, 2011)
Integração entre curvas de permanência de quantidade e qualidade da água como uma ferramenta para a gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricosIntegration between cumulative frequency curves for water quantity and quality as a tool for effective water resources management
(ABES, 2012)
A garantia dos usos múltiplos da água, dos serviços ambientais e do equilíbrio ecológico depende de uma combinação adequada entre aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos dos rios. A presente pesquisa descreve aplicações de ...
Effects of exponentially decaying spatial patterns on the probability distribution of anomalous values
(Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1983)
The nature of geochemical anomalies is discussed on a speculative basis. Anomalies
are classified as independent or as additive, depending on their spatial relation to the
background population. The additive anomalies, ...
(SPRINGER, 2011)
One approach to analyzing hypsometry is to produce a histogram of the frequency of different elevation bins. This simple approach requires a compromise between having bins that are too large such that insufficient detail ...
Análise de modelos simplificados para determinação do fluxo de saturação em interseções semaforizadas da cidade de Toledo-PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáToledoBrasilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2016-06-16)
Regarding traffic lights planning projects, no matter the method, the obtainment the saturation flow ratio is required (FS), in order to define the green time. The DENATRAN manual indicates the obtaining of this parameter ...
(SPRINGER, 2016)