Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33332
The paradoxes of the professionalization of cultural organizations in Brazil
The research considers that the financing structure of cultural policies in Brazil has shaped a cultural field, which aimed to the professionalization of their fundraising practices. This paper analyzes the professionalization ...
El debate hacia la convención por la diversidad cultural : de la excepción a la regla
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2019-04-16)
El objetivo general de la tesis es realizar un estudio comparativo sobre las posiciones que defendieron la UNESCO, por un lado y la OMC, por el otro, desde 1993 a 2005, en el marco del debate en torno a la aprobación de ...
The cultural dimension of knowledge organization: An analysis in the information science international contextA dimensão cultural da organização do conhecimento: Uma análise no contexto internacional da ciência da informação
The studies on the cultural dimension of the knowledge organization have been getting a prominent role in scientific communications, revealing their importance in the current academic context. The investigations in epistemic ...
Organiza????es Brown: identidade cultural e lideran??a em um complexo de organiza????es baianas
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2004)
Organizational Culture and Discourses: a Case of Change in a Brazilian Public Organization
(BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, 2011)
This work analyses the use of the discourse as a strategy for the dissemination of new cultural values in a State Secretary beginning in 1995. For this purpose, discourse analysis was used according to the concept by Fiorin ...
Organizational Culture and Discourses: a Case of Change in a Brazilian Public Organization
(BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, 2011)
What does captain cook have to tell us about culture? Contributions for a structural and historical approach to culture and organizations
Current approaches to culture and organizations fail to define culture dynamics as inextricably wrapped up with the dynamics of cultural resources. Pursuing this goal, this paper aims to further develop the available ...
The cultural and social dimension of knowledge organization: An discourse analysis of international society for knowledge organization editorialsUma anÁLISE do discurso da dimensÃo cultural da ISKO
Considering the improve of researches about cultural questions in Knowledge Organization (KO) and the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) as the most representative institution in studies about KO, ...
The cultural dimension of Knowledge Organization: an analysis in the Information Science international context
(Univ Zaragoza, 2019-01-01)
The studies on the cultural dimension of the knowledge organization have been getting a prominent role in scientific communications, revealing their importance in the current academic context. The investigations in epistemic ...
Influence factors of culture of intelligence in organizations
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021)